Details for HALLEY Grace Milne
ID Number103024
NameHALLEY Grace Milne
Family NameHALLEY
StatusExisting Grave
Location on the Modern Grid MapL10 09
Inscription on TombstoneIn loving memory of
John HALLEY, born at Dunkeld, 4 April 1831, died Wellington 3 February 1900, in his 69th year.
His daughters; Matilda Milne, born 29 September 1882, died 19 November 1882; Agnes Milne, born 25 March 1881, died 19 April 1886. Grace Milne HALLEY, daughter of above, born 17 February 1879, died 19 June 1922.
Elizabeth, wife of John HALLEY, born at Taita 1850, died Wellington 15 December 1945.
Description of GraveDescription Not Available
Date of Death or Burial*20 Jun, 1922
Public Cemetery Register Number3842
Type of Record Burial
BiographyDaughter of Elizabeth and John HALLEY