Details for HODGE Peter
ID Number103463
NameHODGE Peter
StatusReinstated Monument after Disinterment for Motorway
Location on the Modern Grid MapJ11 12
Inscription on TombstoneSacred to the memory of
Eliza, wife of Frankland VALENTINE, died 12 May 1868, aged 27.
Also their beloved children; Kate died 5 July 1868, aged 12 weeks, Robert Hoorwood, died 6 October 1869, aged 3 years & 6 months, Clara, died 11 August 1882, aged 19 years & 6 months.
"Folded, not lost, we shall not call them, gone for a little time to rest, beyond the grave we hope to meet them happy with the blest".
Delia HODGE, 1861--1951.
In loving memory of Peter, born Fifeshire, Scotland, 1856, died 1925.
Clara, Wellington 1885--1889.
William, Wellington 1888--1900.
Description of GraveSquare pedestal base in granite with incised inscriptions on two sides. Additional plaque in polished granite added later, and placed on the ground in front.
Date of Death or Burial*26 Jul, 1925
Public Cemetery Register Number3921
Type of Record Burial
BiographyHusband of Delia HODGE (nee VALENTINE). Father of Clara and William.